My friend Evan
I had a "good-busy" day today. That means the day flowed with an even hum. I was gone all day and took myself out for sushi~ table for 1....
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In time the memories become a blur
One year ago and it feels like a lifetime ago. Yet when this Facebook post popped up on "A Year Ago Today" each word brought back a piece...
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Surya Namaskar A~ Prayer of Gratitude
Surya Namaskar A is a prayer of gratitude to the sun for providing life on earth. It is how we start our yoga practice and ideally the...
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Tis the Season to Make Magic
Last night I gathered a few friends together for a “feel good- do good project”. A few weeks ago, a friend asked if I might be willing to...
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Practice Makes Imperfect
I just took a private with my dear friend and brilliant yoga teacher, Lydia Merl. I have had the honor of being her teacher but this was...
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It takes a village.
Try as I might, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. By 10:00 p.m., I surrendered to the heaviness in my heart that started early into the...
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The Song in My Heart
How do the lyrics to that famous song go? “I left my heart in San Francisco?” Well, I have a better idea. I’m taking my heart to San...
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Wanna be my friend? We'll "Life Out Loud #nofilter" (verb)
When I was in kindergarten, we moved to 212 Greenwood Avenue, Jenkintown, PA. My parents were still married and we lived in a big...
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"...a friendship that has seen us through childrearing, death, divorce (mine), remarriage (mine
Cathy and I are each other’s “oldest” friend which doesn’t refer to our respective ages but to the fact that we have been friends for 19...
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"They say, 'when the student is ready, the teacher appears.' And that she did."
I was 17 and a senior in high school when I first started blogging. Upon attending orientation for Boston University (the college I was...
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