Meraki- [may-rah-kee] (adjective) a word that modern Greeks often use to describe doing something w
ROGINI IN TRAINING February 22, 2014 (Facebook post from 3 years ago) It's been a full day since I finished my teacher training with...
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It takes a village
Every Sunday morning the "Rosenberg 3" sets out for the Ave. Alan and I walk and talk while Cupcake searches for a fallen pizza crust or...
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A Valentine's Day Revolution
This year I’d like to propose a revolution for Valentine's Day. How about you skip the red carnations and cheesy store bought cards? ...
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Warm, Sweet and a little Nutty
I bumped into a friend at Yoga Journey this morning who was asking about buying some of my vegan chocolate chip cookies. I explained to...
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My friend Evan
I had a "good-busy" day today. That means the day flowed with an even hum. I was gone all day and took myself out for sushi~ table for 1....
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