Comfort in the Quiet
It takes my breath away when the universe puts us exactly where we belong. In a million years, I would not have picked this 5 star pish...
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I am now a self proclaimed expert on all things relating to lost luggage. I recommend that all travellers be aware that most credit cards...
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Yoga Off the Mat
My yoga off the mat KILLED today. I taught a great class at the Eau and then did a private with 3 twenty-something hot shots in from...
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It takes a village
Every Sunday morning the "Rosenberg 3" sets out for the Ave. Alan and I walk and talk while Cupcake searches for a fallen pizza crust or...
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My friend Evan
I had a "good-busy" day today. That means the day flowed with an even hum. I was gone all day and took myself out for sushi~ table for 1....
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Surya Namaskar A~ Prayer of Gratitude
Surya Namaskar A is a prayer of gratitude to the sun for providing life on earth. It is how we start our yoga practice and ideally the...
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Being "Self-ish" - About the Self
Being "Self-ish"...About the Self It took me a long time to understand what the flight attendants mean when giving their safety speech at...
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